Soccer players have a primary or dominant foot for passing, dribbling, and shooting the ball. But what is the non-dominant foot called, and how do you improve your weak foot?
Soccer players generally favor one foot for kicking the ball. Most of the time, the right foot is preferred, but some players use their left foot. A weak foot is a non-dominant foot and can be either the right or left. A soccer player can improve their weak foot by using it more frequently during games or training.
This article details why training your weak foot in soccer is essential and how to improve it effectively.
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Table of Contents
What is a weak foot in soccer?
A soccer player’s weak foot is either their left or right foot. How do you identify it, and what can you do to improve it?
A weak foot is your non-dominant kicking or dribbling foot. It is the opposite of your dominant foot: if you’re right-footed, your left foot is your weak foot, and vice versa. Beginner soccer players are generally less adept at passing, dribbling, shooting, and receiving the ball with their weak foot but can improve it over time.
Players can improve their weak foot by using it more often. Adjusting how you train is one way to get better with your weaker foot. Most drills can be altered simply by reversing the flow of play to encourage players to use both feet.
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Your weak foot can improve over time and eventually become equal to–or even more significant–than your dominant foot. Many professional and high-level players can use both feet equally in any situation, making them invaluable.
Players that usually play on one side of the field, like a left-back or right winger, should train their weak foot for different scenarios on the field, like crossing or shooting.
Is it important to train your weak foot?
Just about every high-level soccer player will tell you that a solid weak foot is one of the most important aspects of the game for any position. Sometimes, the ball won’t be on your dominant foot during a game, and you won’t have time to switch feet. This is where your weak foot comes in handy.
It is important to train your weak foot in soccer because it adds depth and skill to your game. If you can play the game effectively with both feet, it opens up many possibilities from anywhere on the field. Training your weak foot makes you a better player overall.
A strong weak foot is a great tool to have in your toolkit. You’ll be able to run at either side of defenders, clear the ball on defense without a problem, or finish the ball from the left and right sides.

Training your weak foot is especially important if you want to play soccer at a high level.
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Coaches might only consider players who are comfortable playing with both feet. Improving your weak foot is an initial part of becoming a better player, but being able to play soccer with both feet will take you a long way.
Using your weak foot could be the difference between earning yourself a roster spot or not.
How to improve your weak foot in soccer
Your weak foot can make or break your game. Higher-skilled players are proficient with both feet and can pass, dribble, and shoot with either. How do they do it, and how can you play soccer with both feet?
Improve your weak foot by passing, shooting, and dribbling with it during training. Do all the drills you usually do, but prioritize your weaker foot and, if possible, avoid using your dominant foot.
Over time, you will become better with your weak foot. It takes time, so be patient and consistent with your training. It does not matter the quality of your weak foot before you start training; any player can improve their weak foot no matter their skill or age.
It’s a good idea for young players to get comfortable using their weaker foot. As players get older, especially if their goal is to play college soccer, using their weak foot is essential because of the speed of play.
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How long does it take to improve your weak foot?
Every player is different, and, like other skills, it can take longer or shorter to improve your weak foot.
In general, it takes no set amount of time to improve your weak foot. However, consistent soccer practice with the weak foot over a month shows significant improvement. The more it’s used, the better the weaker foot will be. Improve a weak foot in soccer by using it more during training and games.
I had a right knee injury in college and could not use my preferred, dominant right foot. I couldn’t play games and was very limited during training. Luckily, I was healthy enough to move around still and partake in drills with my weak left foot.
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After months of using only my left foot during practice, I had seen so much improvement that I no longer referred to it as a weak foot. It shows that using your weak foot more often correlates to strengthening and improving it.
Should you use your right or left foot?
Soccer players all have a dominant foot. When you first start playing, you might wonder which one you should use, but you’ll quickly find that it comes naturally.
It doesn’t matter which foot you use for soccer. Your dominant foot will be the one you use most; it will feel more natural when kicking, passing, or dribbling. If you’re starting to play soccer, focus on improving your dominant foot. Once you’re comfortable, you can work on improving your weak foot.
Most players are right-foot dominant, meaning their left foot is their weak foot. It’s a concept similar to other sports like baseball or basketball, where players prefer to throw or shoot with a particular arm or hand.
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Although other sports don’t always require players to use their weaker side, soccer players should learn to use both feet almost equally. Learning to use both feet effectively will make you a better player overall.