Every soccer player should know about tactical soccer training, one of the three types of training. Each is critical for player development, and you should include them in your training...
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Soccer balls are exposed to water all the time during rainy games and training sessions. These conditions are safe for your soccer equipment, but prolonged exposure to water can ruin your soccer...
The game of soccer has evolved, with its rules and regulations following suit. Such rules must be enforced during matches to create a safe and fair playing atmosphere. This is a tedious task and is...
10 Ways to Improve Soccer Awareness, Intelligence and Vision
Awareness is about acknowledging and being aware of the game unfolding around you. Strong awareness, intelligence, and vision in soccer are all qualities of high-level, high-IQ soccer players that...
What is that odd, "D"-shaped arc at the edge of the penalty area in soccer? Well, it's more than just for show but only serves a single purpose at a particular, high-stress moment during a...
Goalie uniforms in soccer are famous for being exceedingly bright and off-the-wall. It isn't just for show; there are a few good reasons why they differ from the rest of the team. Why do soccer...