Soccer referees must be keen to spot fouls and other rule violations during a match. It takes multiple referees, including both assistant referees, to officiate a game and ensure its rules are...
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The center referee puts the soccer game on their shoulders. Without them, soccer would be unruly and unfair. They're the ones responsible for calling the game justly and unbiasedly. The center...
I don't know about you, but I can't stand constantly fixing my shin guards during games or training. Keeping them from slipping is something we've all struggled with. If you're wondering how to keep...
Taking proper care of your soccer ball will make it last longer. Most of the various dos and dont's of soccer ball care are pretty straightforward. How can you take good care of your soccer ball and...
Physical soccer training is one of the three types of soccer practice. It's the type that players dread the most because it involves conditioning and fitness drills, usually accompanied by agility...
Technical soccer training is one of the three types of soccer practice. Among the others is physical and tactical training. Each training type is critical to becoming a well-rounded player through a...